Azuro - The Property Managers
Product Design Challenges
To minimize the information and actions to be displayed on the cards in the Lead Management Software
To build products with similar look and feel but for different users roles and features
To provide feedback to the users in context to new leads, followups and tasks
Some managers would use both Tenant LMS, Owner LMS and Supply it was important that all these acted and were designed in similar manner
Tenant Lead Management
Tenant LMS is an in-house lead management software. We worked closely with the sales team to design and test the product. This helped us to iterate and deliver the product quickly. Tenant LMS helps the sales team at Azuro to manage Tenant Leads looking for properties in Mumbai. We discussed and designed various different features and tested them with the users. There are various different navigational tabs such as Supply, Home and Tenant Leads. Home helps the users to get insight on actions to be taken. Supply helps the users to quickly look through all the properties that are there with Azuro. This means Supply would show all the houses that are given by the house owners to Azuro to manage.
Tenant Lead helps the users to efficiently follow-up with all the leads coming in from various different sources. For Tenant Leads we designed different stages through which a lead moves through. For examples, at the Queue Stage lead comes in from various different sources. At this stage a tele-caller would call the lead and gather requirements and assign the lead to relevant Sales Associate or Operations Manger. Each user role on the LMS would have specific tasks to perform and therefore the LMS was carefully designed to meet their needs. We worked on several different versions, created paper prototypes to test with the users and received feedback. Initially we studied excel sheets this helped us understand how the team worked and their requirements. I have briefly listed Purpose and the User Goals in general for this product. However, User Goals differ with each User Role.
To efficiently manage the leads in the Tenant LMS
To efficiently allocate leads and house-visit to field sales and track house-visits for houses
To make the coordination for house-visits and keys collection faster and smoother
User Goals:
A user should be able to track the status of the lead in the entire sales process and should be able to find what are the next steps to be performed for a particular lead.
To efficiently communicate with leads without losing them
Follow up with the leads with ease
Book house visits with leads
To get reminders of upcoming tasks
To make sure that each lead has been assigned to an sales
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Owner Lead Management
Similar to Tenant LMS, Owner’s Lead Management is an in-house Lead Management Software for managing Owners Leads. Owner LMS is built to help the owner sales team manage owner leads and convert them to Azuro customer. Once the Owner lead is converted to Customer it means we manage property or the properties of that owner. Since Azuros services are more owner focused we at Azuro would take care of finding the tenant and maintaining the Owners Property. It is essential to reflect this process on the Owner LMS to make the tasks easier for the Sales Team. After having detailed discussion and studying the excel sheet given to us by the owner sales team we began creating user flows. Similar to Tenant LMS there are various different User Roles and each User Group would have different user goals. It was challenging to design this product based on different User Roles while keeping the look and feel the same for all users and different products at Azuro.
When each User logs in there would be slight changes in the Side Navigation Bar. Home, Supply, My Houses, Owner Leads, User insights and Settings are the tabs that are visible by all the Managers. Home would help users get general insights for there upcoming tasks and next steps to take each day. Supply would give them detailed information on all the houses that are with Azuro. Which means the houses in Supply act as Azuros inventory. Owner Leads is designed similarly to Tenant Leads. When a leads comes in it is stacked at Queue Stage. There are various different sources through which the lead comes into the Owner LMS. At Queue Stage the lead is called by the Tele Caller an then relevant leads are moved forward to the Active Stage. Some Leads could be potential leads for Azuro in the future these leads are moved from Queue to Passive stage. From the Active stage requirements are gathered services are explained and leads are moved to Customers. Some leads are Disqualified because there either do not want Azuros services or there properties not where Azuro operates. Below I have briefly states the purpose and Goals for Owner LMS.
To help the sales team manage leads efficiently
To know the ratio of leads that are converted into customers
To optimize the time-frame in which a potential lead can be converted to a customer
Research Methods:
Primary Research, Secondary Research, Qualitative Research, Target Audience/Market, Visual Exploration, Prototyping, User Testing, Surveys and Wireframes.